Monday, April 13, 2009

Another cliche: Judging a book by its cover..

Yes indeed. I'm sure everyone has done this. Making predisposition on someone you first met or saw. At times you may be right about your judgment, but most of the time it turns out to be completely the opposite. This pleasurable guilt is almost too hard to resist. Especially if you see someone 'strange' or 'ugly'. I admit that I'm prejudice most of the time. Voluntarily, or involuntarily. Thus, when I saw this one particular video on the web, I'm very ashamed of myself.

Meet Susan Boyle. A 47 year old lady from Glasgow. Unemployed, never been kissed, she is one of the contestant for Britain's Got Talent 2009. It looked as everyone, including me, was against her. Everyone laughed at her. What a joke, they thought. And then she sang. Everyone was blown away. I was brought into tears. Such beautiful and lovely voice.

I'm sorry for being prejudice against you. Susan Boyle, I wish you all the best!

p/s: to see her video, go to this link-->